We provide the highest quality care for children between 3 months to 5 years old in a fun, challenging, and stimulating environment
We provide the highest quality care for children between 3 months to 5 years old in a fun, challenging, and stimulating environment.

A child’s first two years are absolutely critical for the development of the brain and development of language. The child’s early life experiences during this period plays a huge role in laying the foundation for the emotional and intellectual development that follows.
At Kinder, we believe children learn best through play and interaction. When we engage and study something ourselves everything clicks better, rather than being told how something is, and that is never truer for a child’s development. After all, before any of us could read or write, we knew how to play, sing, dance, and draw. When developing motor skills children explore with their senses. Long before they understand a concept like “below” or “under” with their minds, their bodies are learning to navigate the world around them and figuring out which way is up! Their perceptions are primarily focused on colour, size, shape and touch.
A child’s third year is a time of huge change. The transitional experience of a toddler is similar to adolescence. In the same way that adolescence stands between childhood and adulthood, two-year-olds are moving from total dependence to a little more independence.
At this age, children are exploring communications, movement and their individuality. At Kinder our staff team are highly trained and experienced they understand that a toddler mood can quickly change, as well as their interests. Hence, at Kinder we provide supportive and consistent teaching that accommodates every child’s interest and capabilities.
As our children transition from a toddler, to the independence of the preschool years, at Kinder Preschools we have a designed educational programme based around purposeful learning. Every child is encouraged to approach the world with curiosity and with a positive attitude to learn and develop. The programme focuses on initiating critical thinking and developing independence so our children. Children in our care are encouraged to think for themselves, solve problems, communicate, work with others, and gain a better understanding of the world around us. The Kinder preschool programme for learning is designed to lay the foundations that prepare children in our care to:
- Be ready for a school classroom: managing feelings and behaviour, self-discipline, listening and attention skills, communication, and problem solving
- Understanding maths and science: making relationships of objects in relation with quantities and shapes. Understanding the world and nature around us.
- Critical thinking: motivated to tackle new challenges and willing to take different approaches of several problem solving skills
- Confident readers: motivated to explore books and stories, equipped with vocabulary and language-deciphering skills through preschool experience
Our Kinder preschool programme utilizes the children’s own interests, skills base, knowledge and learning styles to formulate unique ongoing planning. At Kinder Daycare and Nursery through a rich variety of activities and high quality resources and equipment our children investigate and explore the fascinating world in which they live. Their emerging knowledge and skills are then enhanced and developed. At kinder throughout the day we provide a balance of child-initiated and adult-planned guided learning across all key areas of learning and development.

Eary Years Curriculum
Our Kinder nurseries in England are required to follow the Early Years Foundation (EYFS), which sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. At Kinder, we believe every child is unique and leaders of their own learning – so when planning their day, we take into account what makes the child unique and implement the EYFS framework. Within the learning and development section of the EYFS, there are seven areas of learning and development which we use to shape the educational programmes in our nurseries. Whilst all areas of learning and development are important and connected, the framework splits the areas of learning into ‘Prime’ and ‘Specific’ areas.
The three prime areas reflect the skills and capabilities that all children need to develop and learn effectively, in order to become ready for school. These three areas are particularly crucial for ifniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building the child’s capacity to learn, form relationships and do well. The three areas are:
- Communication and Language;
- Physical development; and
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
For our youngest children we focus strongly on the three prime areas, which are the basis for successful learning in the other four specific areas. As children grow in confidence and ability within the three prime areas the balance will shift towards a more equal focus on all prime and specific areas of learning.
We are also required to support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:
- Literacy;
- Mathematics;
- Understanding the World, and
- Expressive Arts & Design
Each area of learning and development must be applied through planned and purposeful play. We do this through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated play. At Kinder, we believe wholeheartedly that play is essential for children’s development, confidence and problem-solving ability. Children learn by leading their own play and taking part in play which is guided by adults.
We recognise each child’s emerging needs and interests, so we guide their development in a warm and positive environment. As children grow older, it is expected that the balance will gradually shift towards more activities led by adults, to help children prepare for more formal learning, and to be ready for Year 1.
If you would like to know more informationa about the EYFS, visit the Foundation Years website.